Friday 18 December 2009

Baby, You Can Drive My Car.

Hello my kittens,
Well I promised an update soon with regards to the whole hello-fellow-hell-and-jello situation. If you have been reading my blog from when it was a mere foetus of a web journal, worming its wee fingers out into the world through (if not a soggy hole) than atleast a brain and a mac --- than you will know that I went though a fine number of bumblers.
There was Chup, who now parades his pretty face with even more vehemence than before, although now it is rather well known that there is nothing behind that pretty face but dust and the occasional termite feces. There was Serpiente, Ankle and others, all of which have given me the collective award of Medllion De La Maneater. However, it may interest the more slutty of my readers (love yah) to know that I've had a fellow for my own for a while now. But before you conclude him as another disposable spleen, hear me out my kittens.
If you've read the infatuated crap I manage to churn out at the start of every new relationship, at least in 2008 (oh to be slightly younger, and slightly more evil) you'll know that on average the affection lasts as long as... well something else lasts. However I find myself of late become steadily more and more decent, having been dating a certain someone for six months or so.
And no one I've heard of can "last" six months, unless they put their poor little one to work in the fields with different kinds of oxen, to learn the ways of stamina from the creature that bears the load without question. Unless they have put their peck to fend for the merest morsel of food in the nomadic wilderness, ever searching for the appeasement of desire, but never deficient in will to strive onwards. Unless they have put their johnny to toil forth in the earnest and humble rice patties, learning that patients and endurance, not to mention recision is the way to ultimately draw satisfaction.
Even then, I'm not sure how much i'd like a peen that had been a nomad, a rice patty and an ox.
Then again who knows, maybe it would generate a sort of x-men style stamina.
In any case, this fellow, Zoo, does not compare in terms of experience to those veterans of the past, whose clock work oranges ran out and hung loose with skill (although I grew bored of pretty much all of them). Zoo is a different variety.
For one thing, he is lacking in that certain spark of artistry, musing and general gaping arkse -hole demeanor. Due to this lack, he is not as intent as those in my past at squeezing the freaking life out of me for inspiration. I think he is more concerned with the squeezing of my amazing and perfectly crafted hiney, truth be told. Hey, some have fallen for the mind, the charm or the harm, some have decided on liking the 'tude which was born from too many nerve endings getting on my nerves and ending. I guess this one just likes the hine.
Hopefully other things too.
But what I adore about this one is that his delight in my happiness is stemmed from the happiness itself, as opposed to the expressed gratitude and 'returns'. But hedonism and vague desire to assimilate with the mentality of intoxication govern the rest, as may be expected. I suppose it is the simplicity itself which causes the fortitude, and not the simplicity of mind (he's not stupid) but that of disposition. The regard held is much less full of crap than previously seen, and the honesty is one I am partial too. And even when he does lie he's terrible at it, and its completely transparent.... so the honesty is not only delightful, but somewhat incidental.
Apparently you don't have to hurt each other in a perpetual cycle of hatred and passion to give a rats arse about someone.


Jhonnie Cat

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